Dem Rep: International Trade Tribunal Can Challenge Any U.S. Law
I talked to Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI 2) at Progressive Congress, the annual summit of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, about the...

House Dem: Trade Rep Said "Non-Negotiable" Climate Provisions Negotiable
At Progressive Congress, the annual summit of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, I talked to Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI 2) about including...

Dem Rep: Party Lost From Fear to Express Progressive Values
At Progressive Congress, the annual summit of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, I spoke with Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI 2) about the path...

GOP Rep Equivocates on Giving Trade Authority to Obama
Given Republican mistrust of President Obama, I asked GOP Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC 7) if he would support giving him Fast Track Authority for...

GOP Rep Will Vote to Let Homeland Security Funding Lapse
At the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, I asked Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC 7) if he would vote for a clean funding bill for the...

Gohmert's Negotiation 101: Defund Everything Obama Cares About
Louie Gohmert explained Negotiation 101 to a Tea Party activist at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention. 1/18/25

Louie Gohmert SC Tea Party Press Conference (FULL)
Gohmert talks at length about his challenge to GOP House Speaker John Boehner, his proposal for term limits for the speakership, his...

Gohmert: Unanimous Consent of Border States Before Immigration Debate
At a press conference for the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert argued that the border must be...

Ben Carson: Fed Education Program Risks Indoctrination
At the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, GOP presidential hopeful and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson talked about Common...

Carson Supports Abolishing Income Tax & Instituting 15% Sales Tax
At the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, Ben Carson talked about instituting a flat tax of 10-15% at the point of sale, to a...