Jeb Bush Doesn't Know If Charleston Massacre Was Racially Motivated
Jeb Bush asked about Charleston massacre... Road to Majority Conference // Faith & Freedom Coalition Washington, DC: June 19, 2015.
GOP Congressman Loses Temper with Environmental Activist
Rep. Steve King (R-IA 5) really doesn't want to go on the record about the Pope's climate change encyclical, loses temper with activist.
Marco Rubio Interrupted by Immigration Protesters
Footage of immigration protesters interrupting Sen. Marco Rubio's speech at Road to Majority 2015. Road to Majority / Faith and Freedom...
GOP Senator: We Are All Environmentalists
I ask Sen. Ron Johnson if he agrees with Pope Francis, that climate change is a moral issue that requires action. Road to Majority /...
SEC Commissioner Slams the SEC
Securities and Exchange Commissioner Michael Piwowar says he doesn't know if his agency has ever reduced investor losses in its entire...
Wall Street Regulator: Excessive Speculation Not Cause of 2008 Crisis
CFTC Commissioner Christopher Giancarlo told me that excessive speculation was not a cause of the 2008 crisis, citing a lack of...
SEC Commissioner: Not Job of SEC to Promote Investor Confidence
SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar speaks to the Cato Summit on Financial Regulation. New York City: June 2, 2015.
Donald Trump Will End Outsourcing If President
At the South Carolina Freedom Summit, Donald Trump said that he would impose a hefty 35% tariff on American multinational corporations in...
GOP Hopeful on Budget: Cut Porno-Watching Gov’t Employees
I ask GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina what specific agencies and programs she would cut in order to streamline the federal...
GOP Hawk: Climate Change & AIDS Not National Security Threats
MSNBC political correspondent Kasie Hunt asks former UN Ambassador John Bolton if climate change is a national security threat....