McConnell Challenged by Reporter on Koch Retreat Audio
During debate on a constitutional amendment to limit money in politics, Sen. Harry Reid discussed offensive statements made by Richard...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Koch Lawyer Analyzes the Opposition
The general counsel to Koch Industries, Mark Holden, discusses the progressive opposition group, the Democracy Alliance, at their June...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Marco Rubio & Charles Koch
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) gives the dinner keynote to the Koch brothers' summer donor conference on June 16. Charles Koch follows with a...
Koch Retreat Talks United Negro College Fund
Highlights of panel discussion "Drive the National Conversation," featuring Michael Lomax, president of the United Negro College Fund,...
Charles Koch's speech at the 2014 June seminar in Dana Point, California.
Top Koch Strategist Argues the Minimum Wage Leads Directly to Fascism
At the June political strategy summit hosted by the Koch brothers, Richard Fink, their "grand strategist," remarked that when he sees...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Koch-Funded Groups' Strategy in the States
At the June 2014 Koch summer seminar in Dana Point, California, representatives of three Koch-funded groups talk strategy in a session...
Republican Governors Association Head Talks Strategy at Koch Summit
Executive Director of the RGA Phil Cox talks strategy on how winning gubernatorial races can help the GOP take control of the Senate in...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Koch Operatives Discuss 2014 Senate Strategy
Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity, and Marc Short, president of Freedom Partners - the Koch brothers financing...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: U.S. Senate Candidates Praise Koch Network (FULL)
Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, and Cory Gardner talk about the 2014 Senate landscape with the millionaire and billionaire donors of the...